Who we work with

Who funds us?

The VSS was established in April 2012 as an arm’s length body of the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and are responsible for administering OFMDFM funding that is set aside specifically for victims and survivors.

Victims Service


Halifax Foundation

Big Lottery Fund


Partnership Work

Survivors of Trauma enjoy good working relationships with a range of community and voluntary groups as well as statutory agencies. Through our collaborative work we can reach and do more for our users, explore alternative approaches to working and carry out joint projects.

North Belfast Senior Citizens Forum


Daneo Services




Community Development

The centre is used by a wide range of organisations for seminars, public meetings, training events and outreach work. As well as rooms being frequently hired by external counselling agencies office space is also provided for some groups, the North Belfast Senior Citizens Forum permanently reside at the premises. The centre is made available for wider community use which is varied some of the groups currently using the centre for their activities are listed below. The list is not exhaustive and also changes according to the activities and the availability of rooms.

  • Friends of the Waterworks